Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hello Friends!

I know it's been a while and I'd like to let you know what I have been up to. Please take a moment to check out my Instagram account @catonmyquilt. I am posting only creative photos with some cat photos sprinkled in.

Lately I have had a goal to create cards for my grandmother who is in assisted care, she has dimentia and it is un known how long she has to live. She also has other health issues which have aided in her decline. Since I do not live close to her I am sending her a weekly handmade card to cheer her up and let her know that someone cares. I've been posting these cards on my Intsagram page to inspire and share with other crafters much like I have tried to do with this blog.

I have also been posting any sewing progress I have made which I must admit has not been much. However I would like to spend as much time as I can creating and less time trying to type up a post, I think that's why I like Instagram so much because you are talking in pictures and I have always been a very visual person. I do imagine I will still post here from time to time.

Do please stay in touch,
and Thanks for reading♥ Olivia

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Quilted Block: Bouncing Bananas

As always I am amazed at how quickly time slips through our fingers. I have been dabbling a bit more into my paper-crafts lately and  not found as much time to sit at my sewing machine. I have also taken to Instagram I love the idea of simple photo sharing without the pressure of so many words. I also enjoy seeing what others create and find it to be very inspirational.

With that said I have not completely abandoned my sewing projects. Here is another quilted block with the overall design of bouncing bananas.

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia

Friday, April 15, 2016

Fabric LOVE ♥ Friday!

Fabric, Unknown

This is a fat quarter I picked up recently, yeah I know fat quarter. But I really liked it... alas I did not seem to track down it's info before leaving the store, so a mystery it shall remain.

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia

Friday, April 8, 2016

Fabric LOVE ♥ Friday!

The Highlands Residential (Jewel) by Michael Miller

This is the last one I purchased from this collection. I just love the kitty theme and can't wait to create something meowriffic.

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia