Sunday, June 16, 2013


Wow it's been a crazy month(s). My craft/sewing room has been completely reorganized and furniture moved. This was due to the one suspect wall with possible water damage, which is still waiting to be fixed. The silver lining of this story is (a.) none of my supplies, equipment or furniture was damaged and (b.) This has forced me to clean and have a new layout for my sewing space. Yay! I probably would have never figured out this awesome configuration of furniture without the damage which appears to be quite minimal thankfully. I will share pictures when everything has been fixed and the final pieces of furniture moved.

Now on to today's actual post...Squares!
When I finish a project and end up with scraps like this...
I like to cut them up into squares as small as 2" and as big as 4½" or 5" and put them in plastic bags labeled with the size.
Sometimes when I'm lazy (or have available a long skinny strip) I'll usually cut it into a 2½" strip or 2" would be the narrowest I would go.
Anything smaller than the 2" square I generally throw away or sometimes use as a sewing scrap. Someday I hope to create a quilt using all these squares in a mishmash of colors.

What do you do with your scraps? And when it a piece of fabric small enough that you'll throw it away?

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Quilting Update! June 2013

Wow time has sure been flying by this past month, I feel like I've done a lot but there's still so much to do...
I still have 2 quilts pin-basted and ready for quilting I don't see why I can't just get these done. Maybe I have Adult ADD, because even though I want to finish my UFO's I am easily distracted by the lure of a new project or idea. Some ideas I will be sharing in the posts ahead, along with the new stuff I'm working on So I guess for this months update I really haven't got much yet for ya to see.

 Unfortunately my sewing room has been somewhat trashed (we've had issues with our house) and on my list of things to do today is straighten it back up and hope I don't have to do some major furniture moving in the near future. I hope to get back to fun things again soon.

What kinds of things have you been up to?

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia