Friday, April 24, 2015

Life is a whirlwind...

This year has been a whirlwind of emotions and life events.

 I have been so busy trying to keep everything together that I got a planner to try and better keep up with things. I would have loved to get and Erin Condren Life Planner butt my budget had to settle with one from office depot. Of course now I see they're 40% off! Well I found a new addiction anyways... Washi Tape. Pretty planning I think I'm in love. Someday when I get an Erin Condren Life Planner I will be ready. I love lists, stationary and organizing oh my!

My work has added on more responsibilities so a bigger stress load there. I won't get into that.

Also this May I am getting married! So I have been super busy with details and planning for the big day.

I have been wanting to post and sew some new things so badly. But I must prioritize my time, so that's taken the back burner while I figure out wedding details. I am working on a schedule of posts that I hope to get started in May, but June might be a more realistic time frame.

I will keep you posted! ha ha

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia