Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Catching up.

So much has been happening in my quilt-y life. Currently I have six projects in the works. I was nearly tempted to pick up my rotary cutter and start a seventh when I thought  to myself I really need to start finishing some of these. I think that compulsion to start another project comes from tiring of my current task. such as I've been doing a lot of piecing and I want a change of pace. Usually it's also because I have all of these ideas and things I want to try. Sometimes when you're working on a large project you need a break and a small runner or place-mat is just the thing. Plus you get that satisfaction of completing a project. I love it when that happens. So soon I will have some new projects to post about so stay tuned!

How do you keep track of your projects? How many are you usually working on at once?

Thanks for reading♥ Olivia

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